Friday, November 29, 2019

ABBA design Essay Example

ABBA design Essay Example ABBA design Paper ABBA design Paper Based on Treismans attention theory and his attenuator experiment which claims that all messages reach the selective filter where one message is selected to pay attention to. Treisman, a colleague of Broadbent thought that all other messages which reach the selected filter are not blocked out but are instead turned down, known as attenuated.  Within my experiment I hoped to find out whether it takes longer to complete a card sorting task with distracting noise than in silence. I predicted that in accordance with Treisman that it would take longer for the cart sorting task to take place with AC/DCs Highway to Hell playing in the background than it would in silence.  I decided to use an experiment as my research method and within this used a counterbalancing method (ABBA) to help control the order effects.  My participants were chosen using opportunity sampling; who was available to me at the time of the experiment and I had 6 participants aged from 16-45 from the Portglenone area in my sample. I used averages to show how the participants performed as a group. I decided to use the mean and the median to represent this and I found that my results did match the hypothesis of my experiment that participants did take a longer time period to complete their task when there was a distracting noise that had to be attenuated.  From this we have shown that Treismans Attenuator model does in fact explain the effect of distractions on a persons attention span. Introduction  The aim of this experiment is to determine whether it takes longer to complete a card sorting task into piles of odd and even numbers with a distracting noise than it is in silence.  There are several theories that could explain this and these are known as Selective Attention Models.  Broadbent developed a Filter Theory which claimed that information enters the human brain through the senses. This information is then processed by the Central Processor which can only deal with a limited amount of information at any one time which can often exceed the capacity of the Central Processor. Broadbent dealt with this problem by adding a filter to his model. This was a selective filter which selects one channel of information to be processed by the Central Processor and blocks out all the other channels. However, Broadbents theory is limited in that according to him; all non-attended messages are completely blocked out. This can be disproved in our everyday lives where we are often distracted by something we werent paying attention to. Another theorist called Treisman who was a colleague of Broadbent developed the Attenuator model. This model claimed that all incoming messages reached the selective filter but that the selective filter picks one message and that the other messages are not completely blocked out but instead are attenuated which means they are turned down.  I think that in accordance with Treismans Attenuator model that it will take participants longer to complete the card sorting task with the distracting noise than it will be for them to complete it in silence.  Method  The independent variable within this experiment is whether there is a distracting noise playing. The Conditions are:  a) No distracting noise in the background  b) A distracting noise in the background  The dependant variable within this experiment is the time taken in seconds for each participant to complete their card sorting task. There are different ways of organising experiments to try to control extraneous variables. We decided to use the repeated measures design. This meant that one group of participants were tested two (or more) times under each condition of the independent variable. This is an advantage as it controls individual differences in ability and motivation as examples of extraneous variables. This repeated measures method however doesnt take into account that participants may perform worse the second time they complete each task due to tiredness or boredom. These are the order effects. On the other hand participants may perform better the second time due to the effects of practice. There are ways to help control these order effects that I have outlined above. It is possible to leave a gap between the two conditions e.g. different days which would prove very time consuming due to the number of participants we used. Another method of trying to control these order effects is known as counter balancing. This is when the conditions are not always done in order e.g. half the group completes condition A followed by condition B. Another method is known as ABBA design. This is where all is known complete task A, then task B, then repeats the experiment doing task B and then finally task A. I have decided to use the ABBA design as my control method. Participants My participants were drawn from my target population of friends and family aged 16-45 from Portglenone. This group is deemed to be representative of the whole population and I decided to use 6 participants.   Sampling Method  I decided to use opportunity sampling within my experiment who was available to me at the time of my experiment.  I chose this method as it was quick and convenient especially as I had limited time to conduct my experiment.  Within my sample I had 6 participants; 3 female and 3 male. These participants were readily available to me as they were present in my house at the time of the experiment. Materials and Apparatus  In this experiment we used a stop clock to count the time it took for each participant to complete their tasks. A CD player and a CD of AC/DC (Rock Music) were also used along with1 standard pack of playing cards.  The face cards within the standard pack of cards (Jack, Queen and King) were removed. I also defined that an ace card would be defined as 1 for the processing task. Also; it was decided that if a participant places a card into the wrong pile he/she should correct this. Each participant would be supervised when completing their tasks to help point out any mistakes. Another important rule we decided upon was that all participants must hold the cards face up, and we felt this would give a true representation of the time taken to complete the task instead of having to turn the card before it could be seen which would use up more time. Ethical Issues  There a number of ethical issues which need to be considered when completing this experiment. Participants were approached and were given a copy of a briefing. The purpose of a briefing is to provide participants with the experiment details. The briefing should cover the ethical issues of:  1. Informed Consent  Participants were given a full explanation in the form of a briefing included in the appendix detailing what the experiment involves. After reading the briefing, participants were then able to decide whether they wanted to participate in the experiment. As all those in my target population were of consenting age (16) I avoided any ethical issue that arises from vulnerable members of society; children, psychiatric patients etc. 2. The Right to Withdraw  Participants will also be made aware in the briefing that they have the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time, even if they have previously given consent. This will also mean that if they have conducted the experiment and wish to withdraw that their results will be withdrawn from the written report. 3. Protection from Harm  Participants should be protected from short term distress and long term harm. Within my experiment I ensured that this issue was covered by certifying that my chosen music didnt include any offensive lyrics or that the music wasnt played too loud so that it could be potentially damaging.  4. Confidentiality  Participants will also be reassured that their identity will remain anonymous. I will ensure that this is adhered to by not including any of the participants names in the experiment.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Compare

Georgia - Seventy-one year old golfing misogynist, William "Hootie" Johnson, Chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club, has undergone major heart surgery. Unfortunately, he is expected to make a complete recovery. Augusta National hosts the Masters golf tournament and Johnson runs the club and the tournament with an iron fist. When the National Council of Women's Organizations sent a letter to Johnson in June to urge him to admit women to the club, Johnson provoked a storm by publicly declaring that he would not be bullied into admitting women. He then released the sponsors for the television broadcast of the 2003 event, in order to spare them from being pressured on the issue, thereby giving up $3 million in advertising revenue. A Club spokesman said the surgery involved a coronary artery bypass, aortic aneurysm repair and aortic valve replacement. "We're surprised that the doctors found he had a heart," said a spokeswoman for the Council. Augusta National is a private club, and legally can be a men-only institution. No one was paying any attention to the Council's position until Hootie issued a lengthy and emotional response. But while the club is private, the Masters tournament is the most watched sporting event of the year, and is thus arguably a public event. Why don't they admit some women, hold a second Masters tournament for women golfers, and make twice the advertising revenue? Augusta National's biggest PR problem may be that its Chairman is named Hootie. Proving yet again his audacity, former skirt-chasing President, Bill Clinton, is seeking young interns to work under, over or alongside him at his private foundation, according to a classified ad recently placed in New York University's student newspaper. EVERYTHING, we've been told over and over since the horror of September 11, is CHANGED. Not completely. True, the collective fear and anger generated by that atrocity has completed the right-wing takeover of Am... Free Essays on Compare Free Essays on Compare Georgia - Seventy-one year old golfing misogynist, William "Hootie" Johnson, Chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club, has undergone major heart surgery. Unfortunately, he is expected to make a complete recovery. Augusta National hosts the Masters golf tournament and Johnson runs the club and the tournament with an iron fist. When the National Council of Women's Organizations sent a letter to Johnson in June to urge him to admit women to the club, Johnson provoked a storm by publicly declaring that he would not be bullied into admitting women. He then released the sponsors for the television broadcast of the 2003 event, in order to spare them from being pressured on the issue, thereby giving up $3 million in advertising revenue. A Club spokesman said the surgery involved a coronary artery bypass, aortic aneurysm repair and aortic valve replacement. "We're surprised that the doctors found he had a heart," said a spokeswoman for the Council. Augusta National is a private club, and legally can be a men-only institution. No one was paying any attention to the Council's position until Hootie issued a lengthy and emotional response. But while the club is private, the Masters tournament is the most watched sporting event of the year, and is thus arguably a public event. Why don't they admit some women, hold a second Masters tournament for women golfers, and make twice the advertising revenue? Augusta National's biggest PR problem may be that its Chairman is named Hootie. Proving yet again his audacity, former skirt-chasing President, Bill Clinton, is seeking young interns to work under, over or alongside him at his private foundation, according to a classified ad recently placed in New York University's student newspaper. EVERYTHING, we've been told over and over since the horror of September 11, is CHANGED. Not completely. True, the collective fear and anger generated by that atrocity has completed the right-wing takeover of Am...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Did the 1960's Change America Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Did the 1960's Change America - Term Paper Example In the years between 1955 and 1968, Martin Luther King took certain steps that changed the status of the blacks. He said, â€Å"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase† (King cited in â€Å"Martin Luther King†). Martin Luther King’s efforts came to a stop in the year 1968 because he was murdered in this year during a protest in Tennessee. However, his dreams did not die with him. Another very important revolutionary political factor of the 1960s was John F Kennedy’s presidential term. He said, â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do or your country† (Kennedy cited in â€Å"Ask not what†). This quote served as a potential drive for the youngsters to join the armed forces. John F Kennedy was among the four presidents in the history of the USA who were murdered. However, it was not until the assassination of John F Kennedy that the American presidents were provided with a pol ice force specifically for their protection. John F Kennedy participated in three events of huge significance in the history of the USA, which include the crisis of the Cuban Missile, the American Civil Rights Movement, and the construction of the Berlin Wall. Much of the USA’s status today can be attributed to the presidential term of John F Kennedy. Vietnam War, which is one of the most important wars in the history of the USA also took place during the 1960s. ... Regarding the Vietnam War, it was said, â€Å"Our resistance will be long and painful, but whatever the sacrifices, however long the struggle, we shall fight to the end, until Vietnam is fully independent and reunified† (Minh cited in Patrick). 1960s were very important for a change in the entertainment industry in the USA. Barbie Doll was the first toy that became available to the children in 1960. This inculcated an urge in the boys to have some toys of their own as there were some for the girls as well. This laid the basis of the creation of such other toys as the trolls as GI Joe. The development of these toys led to the creation of a whole range of toys that have today become the insignia of the American entertainment industry. Toys created then are still in use by children not only in the USA, but also elsewhere in the world. The social status of the USA has been greatly influenced by the culture of the Hippies that prevailed in the 1960s. Hippies were recognized as peop le who wanted the spread of love and peace. Their agenda was to create peace in the society as hundreds of thousands of people were losing their lives in the Vietnam War. Another important reason for this cause was the racism that had started to surface as a result of the changed social status of the blacks in the USA. Racism against the blacks was another very important social change of that time. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were among the people who have fought a lot against racism. Concluding, there were a number of political and social factors that emerged in the 1960s that changed the USA and made it what she is today. The American society experienced a big change since the 1960s with the Dream

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Performance Management System Griffith University Assignment

Performance Management System Griffith University - Assignment Example Griffith University is an Australian University that was founded in 1971 and it is a public university. The Dawkins revolution of 1988 acted as a major catalyst for the growth of the university. A series of successful mergers with other colleges like Queensland Art College and Gold Coast College of Advanced Education to name a few had greatly enhanced the size of Griffith University/After forty years from its establishment, the University had grown from a small university that had a singular campus to one of the largest universities in Australia with multiple campuses across the continent.Presently, the university employs professors and academic staff from more than 130 countries. It has greatly increased the number of courses that are offered in it and has strategically positioned it among the top 5% research universities.The University has strategic goals of influencing communities through teaching and scholarly programs, valuing diversity and creating an environmentally sustainabl e society to name a few. It also strives to promote individual rights and ethical standards. The Human Resource (HR) management of Griffith University is an organized one which integrates the long-term strategic planning of the organization with the human resource planning. The HR staff service center of the university is responsible for providing assistance and support for activities like recruitment and selection, staff benefits, payroll measures and training and development programs.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Strategic Management - Essay Example A bird’s eye view on the Australian wine industry, at this juncture, would be appreciable. Wines in Australia though are 200 years old, the industry was sluggish in its initial years. They have now caught pace in New-world countries that they are considered the ‘Hot Trends’ in the market. Thomas Hardy & Sons wine company, known for its quality wines, was established in Australia in 1853 and was most respected for its culture and polite values. Berri Renmano Ltd. (BRL), a co-operative and merged entity was known for aggressiveness and commercial success. Hardy group had to incur huge losses after acquiring some French, Tuscan and Italian old wineries. At the same time, BRL was also facing financial hardship, but nevertheless proposed and merged with Hardy which according to the industry analysts was not a great arrangement. Owing to the financial strength of the BRL team, BRL Hardy had more of BRL’s executives at the top notch in the merged entity while the Hardy’s executives were a bit suppressed. Irrespective of all these happenings, the group was an initial success. After the initial success, there were differences regarding the marketing and distribution of some key brands of the company between Stephen Davies, the Group Marketing and Export Manager based at the head office at Reynella, Australia and the Managing Director of U.K. management team – Christopher Carson. For instance, while Davies was planning to launch a global brand, Carson tried to develop a low price wine brand D’instinto. This attemp t was criticised by Davies citing examples of Carson’s failure in renewal of distribution agreement of Caliterra (wine brand) and disappointing launch of brand Mapocho with a Chilean sourcing. Nevertheless, Steve Millar, the Managing Director of the BRL Hardy Company as a whole understood these delicate issues and tactically dealt with both of them. Similarly, the head office was planning to launch Banrock station, a product which was a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Role of Media in Politics

Role of Media in Politics Media is a means on which people of today rely to be informed of social, economic and political aspects in their country and other countries around the world. It is therefore critical for media, in any form, to be as accurate and edifying as possible in order for the people of a nation to use the information given to make educated choices. In South Africa, specifically, media is to a great extent an essential tenet in safeguarding our democracy because it allows accurate political, social and economic information to be brought to the masses. The media has great freedom in being able to verify this information and convey the truth to the public through newspapers, radio and television due to the freedom and rights that the South African Constitution allows the media. These freedoms and rights include its protection, the ability to criticize the government and access to state-held information, as long as no rights are violated in the process. There is great interaction between media and politics. This is evident as it is way in which citizens are made of aware of the decisions and policies the government is making and implementing, and are reflection of events that occur as a result of these decisions and policies. Prior to 1994 mass media was largely controlled by the government and held no legitimacy to the majority of the population. The media during Apartheid was not free to inform the people of inefficiencies in the government and would depict black revolutionaries as an enormous threat to the state. It is evident how important the media is and how it ensures that our democracy is never destroyed because it reflects our constitution. During that time what was considered to be the truth according to a newspaper report was not necessarily an accurate account of what happened. If you wanted to tell the truth, things such as banning, security police visits in the middle of the night, detention without trial and censorship could become you occupational hazards. access to government was impossible.  [1]  The media is greatly influenced by the system of governance over a country therefore a totalitarian system fully recognizes the power over the media and ensures that information published would not cause social and political unrest or a contest to the governing body. Post-1994 the media has transformed from being biased and limited to receiving new freedoms and rights that ensure that the public, especially those whom are underprivileged, receive access to a media that promotes equality, truthful information and alerts to threats in opposition to our democracy. A democracy requires this transition as the people hold the power in a democracy. The individuals are unable to select people to run the government properly if they are unaware of the circumstances in the country. This would lead to people making uneducated votes about who should be in the government and who has the best leadership qualities to be our president. The media has the ability to uncover corruption and errors made in the government, according to the rights set out in the Bill of Rights, which can be discovered through state-held information and any information that one requires from another person for the protection of the state.  [2]  In this way the public can make informed decisions when electing a new government. These decisions would be based on being informed about current affairs such as xenophobic attacks, strikes, inefficiency in government, corruption, human rights issues (Zapiro cases), the Information Bill and the way in which our leaders resolve these issues. The Information Bill has caused much debate within South Africa and is a current challenge facing South African media. Many view the bill as clear and present danger to open democracy in general- Nic Dawes. The Information Bill is essentially a movement to be able to classify information that is considered to be in the national interest (a democratic and appropriate way to deal with sensitive issues). This is a laudable intention, and the ANCs point of view is that the media has too much freedom, more than anyone else. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦our impressions are that the media has more freedom than all the freedoms that all of us enjoy. Media freedom supersedes all other freedoms.  [3]   However, the rest of the proposed intentions have claimed to be to vague and that it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦effectively criminalises investigative journalismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [4]  In this way the government can with hold information that has the potential to end corruption and prosecute people such as Jacki Selebi and Schabir Shaik, in turn opening the ability to abuse the law. The media will therefore not be able to inform the people as they intend, because of their lack of substantial evidence supplied by the state. The media can no longer be an essential precept in the safeguarding of our democracy and power would be in the hands of government, as they will have the ability to classify files. In the event that the information Bill is passed, the South African constitution will lose credibility as the two documents have contradictory elements. It restricts everyone to access of information and the ability to make decisions based upon all information concerning the government as a citizen. Further more parliamentarians and elected officials will be undermined in their ability to hold the state liable. As a result the democracy will be threatened, as free media is a key aspect of a true democracy. A concern linked to the Information Bill is that surrounding the Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2008 which looked to amend the Broadcasting Act 1999 so as to include the removal and resignation of board members. The SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) attracts 40% of South Africas radio listeners and 70% of its television watchers. Jacob Zuma won the majority in Parliament and the Broadcasting Amendment Bill successfully passed. He therefore had the power to replace the entire SABC board and replace them with new people some being Zuma appointees. This was the first move in Jacob Zumas plan to co-opt the SABC. Phil Molefe was unilaterally appointed Head of News by the Chairperson of the new SABC Board, Dr. Ben Ngubane (a Zuma appointee), instead of by the chairperson of the SABC Board as a whole. Again, this was a violation of the law.  [5]  The media is yet again under threat, as power in media by the government is not constituted in democracy. Power of the government in the media is not constituted in a democracy. It is important to keep the media power and the power of the government separate in order to have fair media that is unbiased. One can deduce from this that media does play a great role in protecting democracy as it allows the people to keep the power, instead of government. Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro), a well-known satirist in South Africa, could be argued as someone within the media whom does not, to a minor extent, protect our democracy. Zapiro has been in two major legal cases in the past two years. In both these cases Zapiros freedom of expression has been contested against the rights of others. It is on these grounds that one may argue that Zapiro is perhaps being un-democratic in his drawings because he has offended many people in the cartoons he draws. One could argue that he is aware that his cartoons are not keeping the peace in society as they call for character judgements (Jacob Zuma vs. Zapiro) and religious divide (Zapiros depiction of the prophet Muhammed) which ultimately go against democratic principles in that it unintentionally segregates people. There are Muslim people who were deeply offended about the cartoon Zapiro drew of Muhammed. As a media driving force, Zapiro should be concentrating on bigger powers that threat democracy rather than depicting Muhammed in response to South Park being restricted to do so, which is against Muslim faith. The Muslim societys right to demand that Zapiro refrain from drawing Muhammed is set against Zapiros right convey his own ideas. However, those whom have a problem with the cartoon do not necessarily want Zapiros freedom of expression to be taken away, For I as a South African Muslim, I regard freedom of speech as sacrosanct, even if it means I have to defend the right of Zapiro to depict the Prophet  [6]   Lady Justice is seen to be lying on the floor about to be raped by Jacob Zuma with the help of his political allies. (Addendum A) Zuma launched a lawsuit against Zapiro on the account that his individual rights are being violated. One could view the cartoon as a misjudgement of character or slander as it suggests that our president is morally corrupt. It further insulted women as they saw it as gender inequality. Conversely Zapiro has not offended the rights of the people he depicts in his cartoons according to the constitution. He has merely used his freedom of expression to be able to satirise current events. The Lady Justice satire was widely misconceived. It was neither referring to womens injustices nor was it implying that Zuma raped someone. It was satirical in that Zuma was presently being accused of rape but the case was dismissed and Zapiro created the metaphor of the actual justice system being in a sense raped. Essentially it is a metaphor as the Lady Justice is a symbolic figure. It can therefore not be said that Zapiro is accusing Zuma of rape. Zapiro aims to encourage public debate and knocking politicians off their pedestals. This is important as it brings reality to the fact that the people have power over the government and not the other way around. The media are not always perfect however enforcing stricter self-regulatory systems are the best way in which to make sure human rights and freedoms are never violated. The media needed to be watched by independent watch dogs, but giving power over the media to the government does not assist in media being protectors of our democracy. People within the media such as Jonathon Shapiro, although sometimes causing uproar, contribute to our democracy in initiating debates, opinions and free thinkers. No single person, no body of opinion, no political or religious doctrine, no political party or government can claim to have monopoly on truth it has therefore always been our contention that laws, mores, practices and prejudices that place constraint on freedom of expression are a disservice to society  [7]   The role of the media today is to inform the people, especially the under-privileged. From this people can make informed choices that concern the running of our country. The different media sectors each provide information that is accurate and does not violate the Constitution of South Africa in order for us to make such choices. There are many challenges that face different media figures and the media in general, but the medias freedom is what drives our democratic system. With media not being monopolised or restricted, the people can ultimately hold the power over the government which is the concept of democracy. It can therefore be said that the media in South Africa post-1994 have an enormous role to play in society and is to a great extent safeguarding our democracy. Addendum A: Lady Justice cartoon by Zapiro: Cartoon in response to draw Muhammad day by Zapiro:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparison of Shakespeares Tempest and Forbidden Planet :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparison of Shakespeare's Tempest and Forbidden Planet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On first glance, Forbidden Planet can easily be seen to parallel many other works relating to technology, nature, or both.   One of the most obvious parallels is, of course, to Shakespeare's The Tempest,   the story of a man stranded on an island which he has single-handedly brought under his control through the use of magic.   Indeed, the characters, plot, and lesson of Forbidden Planet mirror almost exactly those of The Tempest, with the exception that where The Tempest employs magic,   Forbidden Planet utilizes technology.   At this point, it is useful to recall one of Arthur C. Clarke's more famous ideas, which is that any technology, when sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic. Indeed, the technology presented in Forbidden Planet is not meant to be understood by the audience, but rather is, for all intents and purposes, magic. This is undoubtedly in part because the technology doesn't exist and therefore cannot be explained to us.   What is more important, however, is that how the technology works is irrelevant for the purpose of the movie, which is to entertain and to teach us a lesson about man's control over the elements and over his own technological creations.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At this point a brief synopsis of the movie would seem to be in order, with special attention as to how it relates to The Tempest.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Tempest, a man named Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been exiled to a remote island which is completely uninhabited, save for an evil monster and her son Caliban, and which is in a state of primal chaos.   Using the magical powers he has cultivated all his life, Prospero gradually brings the forces of nature on the island under his control, and manages to somehow enslave Caliban, whose mother has died in the interim.   (Some of these details are fuzzy because I am familiar with The Tempest only through Marx).   A group of sailors is shipwrecked on the island, one of whom falls in love with Miranda, the lovely daughter of Prospero.   Eventually, Caliban and other servants plot to overthrow Prospero, but are thwarted and taken back into servitude, thankful to get off that easily.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having summarized The Tempest, it is easy to summarize Forbidden Planet. A man named Dr. Morbius and his daughter Altaira are stranded on a distant planet when a government ship lands there, whose commander falls in love with the beautiful Altaira.   The only significant difference in the two works, other then setting, is the conclusion of each.   Before we look at the differences Comparison of Shakespeare's Tempest and Forbidden Planet :: comparison compare contrast essays Comparison of Shakespeare's Tempest and Forbidden Planet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On first glance, Forbidden Planet can easily be seen to parallel many other works relating to technology, nature, or both.   One of the most obvious parallels is, of course, to Shakespeare's The Tempest,   the story of a man stranded on an island which he has single-handedly brought under his control through the use of magic.   Indeed, the characters, plot, and lesson of Forbidden Planet mirror almost exactly those of The Tempest, with the exception that where The Tempest employs magic,   Forbidden Planet utilizes technology.   At this point, it is useful to recall one of Arthur C. Clarke's more famous ideas, which is that any technology, when sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic. Indeed, the technology presented in Forbidden Planet is not meant to be understood by the audience, but rather is, for all intents and purposes, magic. This is undoubtedly in part because the technology doesn't exist and therefore cannot be explained to us.   What is more important, however, is that how the technology works is irrelevant for the purpose of the movie, which is to entertain and to teach us a lesson about man's control over the elements and over his own technological creations.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At this point a brief synopsis of the movie would seem to be in order, with special attention as to how it relates to The Tempest.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Tempest, a man named Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been exiled to a remote island which is completely uninhabited, save for an evil monster and her son Caliban, and which is in a state of primal chaos.   Using the magical powers he has cultivated all his life, Prospero gradually brings the forces of nature on the island under his control, and manages to somehow enslave Caliban, whose mother has died in the interim.   (Some of these details are fuzzy because I am familiar with The Tempest only through Marx).   A group of sailors is shipwrecked on the island, one of whom falls in love with Miranda, the lovely daughter of Prospero.   Eventually, Caliban and other servants plot to overthrow Prospero, but are thwarted and taken back into servitude, thankful to get off that easily.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having summarized The Tempest, it is easy to summarize Forbidden Planet. A man named Dr. Morbius and his daughter Altaira are stranded on a distant planet when a government ship lands there, whose commander falls in love with the beautiful Altaira.   The only significant difference in the two works, other then setting, is the conclusion of each.   Before we look at the differences

Monday, November 11, 2019

North and South

At the onset of the American Civil War, following the secession of the South from the Union to create the Confederate States of America, the North and South were two completely different worlds in terms of their way of life. Simply put, each region had a different goal for itself, had moved in a very different direction over the past 100 years since the end of the Revolutionary period. When the Civil War began in 1861 the two armies that would meet in battle after battle throughout the turbulent, bloody years of the Civil War were as different as any two groups could be, despite the fact that they were from the same country, in terms of their geography, their politics, and their military, all of which were contributing factors in the ultimate outcome of the war itself. The geography of the two regions of the United States can be linked to perhaps the major difference in terms of the two sides. In the North, where climates were colder, summer’s were shorter, and the productivity of small farming was low, industrialization became a major part of their way of life. People in the north mostly lived in towns or cities, and their livelihoods depended on going to work everyday at a factory or within some industry. They were used to taking orders and fulfilling them on a deadline. In the South, with their warm climate and long growing seasons, farming became a way of life. They lived an agrarian lifestyle, and therefore became more independent in terms of their views and thoughts. They had never had to answer to someone telling them what to do in the way that factory workers in the North did, which led to free-thinking and a sense of strong-willed independence. Their geography affected the way they thought and felt about themselves, and this would be an extremely important factor in the Civil War. The political climates of each region were affected by the types of mind sets that each group developed because of their ways of life. In the North, the prevailing idea was to create a strong and centralized federal government that would supercede any of the politics of the individual states. The view was that the federal government would have to be stronger than the states so that the country could create a higher power, so to speak, in government that would establish rules, regulations, and laws that all states had to abide by. Basically, the North wanted the government to be a mini-version of working for a business in the North–people not questioning the decisions of the federal government, and instead simply obeying. This idea went against everything the agrarian, independent South stood for. Besides the institution of slavery, the issues went much deeper as southerners felt that only a local, state government could really know the issues and problems for their individual states, and only a state government was best to deal with it. The secession from the Union to create the Confederate States of America just prior to the Civil War is a perfect example of how serious the South was about this. Militarily, the North and the South were very different as well. The North had three-times the population of the South, which meant many more soldiers to help the Union cause if the war was long and drawn out. In the North people were used to taking orders and blindly following them; in the South, people were much more independent-minded. The North also had one major advantage, the fact that they were industrialized and could quickly open and run factories to supply the army with any necessities, including arms and ammunition. This created a major divide in the two armies, that would end in a Union victory. The North and South were two completely different places, despite the fact they resided in the same borders. Their differences were too large to overcome without a war, and the Civil War was the cumulation of the politic and social bickering that had been happening for years. It is hard to imagine the South winning in light of so much stacked against them, and the North was simply better prepared due to their way of life and their industry to fight a long-standing war. Works Cited Nelson, Rebecca, ed. The Handy History Answer Book. Detroit: Invisible Ink, 1999. 105-110.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Legalizing Concealed Weapons Essay

Many times people confuse whether or not allowing gun laws actually reduces the crime rate. As gun rights is a natural born right of citizens, some believe that should be banned, and many others believe that the law should be extended to lawful citizens. Based on my own experiences there have been several instances where I wish a legalized weapon was in arms reach. There was an instance about 7 years ago where my little brother and I were the only two in the house and an intruder broke in while we were there. No one was hurt or injured but it was traumatic for two children as it happened right after my mom had went to work. I would have felt more secure and confident if I was to know that a legalized weapon was around for our protection. Through research, why concealed carry laws should be implied into every state’s legislation will be debated and each point of view will be expressed. As this topic applies to everyone, every citizen should have the opportunity to exercise thei r rights. Many people are victims to crimes that they could have gotten away from. How many rape cases could have been avoided? How many school shootings could have been prevented before the shooting began? All of the latter mentioned cases are incidents that could significantly reduce our crime rate if concealed carry laws were in effect in every state. Also included in this essay will be a viewpoint of the opposing side and how that side is not all the way accurate. Using my research and focusing on how carrying concealed weapons aids our Americans I will be able to shrink my topic to a point where I can talk about a variety of things that are not too broad to where I do not have enough information to make a solid argument. Within these two subjects, statistics and reasoning as well as extensive research and detailing will be presented in hopes of persuading the reader that legalizing concealed weapons truly helps in protecting our citizens. My topic is pro-legalizing concealed carry  weapons. I live in a neighborhood and near a city where crime is steadily increasing from robberies to murders. I personal ly feel that if citizens were allowed to carry concealed weapons the crime rate would be at an all-time low. A lot of people, in my opinion, commit crimes because they know that they will either not get caught or will only receive jail time which in some cases they are prepared to bail themselves out. To one that may seem like a legit punishment and although it may be, there are so many ways that it could all be avoided. The number one way would be legalizing concealed weapons so that we as citizens can be prepared for any confrontation with crime. Based on my prior feelings and preconceptions on this topic I will be looking to persuade anyone that reads my overall paper that carrying concealed weapons overall helps the communities in more ways than one. There have been a number of incidents where a brave soul who took advantage of the given right to carry a concealed weapon took matters into their own hands and saved lives whether it had been one or one hundred. Many of these stories go unnoticed and I will be bringing just a handful of those to the light. In order to make that successful the main sources that I will be putting emphasis on will be the sources that prove in certain scenarios have prevented criminal activity. While watching a few different videos concerning carrying concealed weapons I will be taking notes on the specific details that support my topic such as how these cases where citizens used concealed weapons to save lives. Social media is a great avenue to pull out things that people do not get to see or hear about every day. The people that oppose concealed carry might not realize how important being able to protect yourself and your surroundings are. This will give the readers a chance to put in perspective how they would be if they were confronted in that exact situation and be enlightened that them too have that opportunity to ensure safety with themselves, their families, and everyone else around them. Although social media can be abused in so many ways it is a great way to see incidents first hand as if you wer e there even though you were not. The videos I will be using are pulled from live evidence of a brave soul enforcing their right to carry concealed weapons to save others. Another video will be a news broadcast explaining how this same thing helps the community. Because I am not searching for crime and do not encounter it on a daily basis, I chose to use social media as a resource to observe as it  would be a lot more difficult to observe a live incident where concealed weapons helped people. After all the observations I will be able to prove and show that legalizing concealed weapons is an important factor that should be considered in every state. Crimes and tragedies can happen anywhere. In one particular newscast I found there was a man who opened fire at Clackamas mall in Oregon. This situation was quite different than a lot of stories that are told because for a specific reason the 22 year man who carried the concealed weapon failed to fire. Nick Meli said he refused to open fir because in his tunnel vision be tween him and the shooter, a civilian ran by to escape. In his mind if he had shot and missed the initial target, he would become affiliated with what the gunman was doing which was taking innocent lives. However, this directly applies to my support of concealed carry weapons after Meli made this one statement. â€Å"I’m not beating myself up cause I didn’t shoot him,† said Meli. â€Å"I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself.† A lot of people’s main opposition of concealed carry is open fire in public places. In this situation all the permit holder had to do was make sure the gunman connected sight with him and his gun and everything was over. Although the gunman took two lives not including his own, Meli saved many lives. This video not only aided my viewpoint of concealed carry but gave a good reason why it should be implemented. In many unheard cases, the gun is not even fired to protect the individual. . Meli made it evident not only tom himself and everyone that witnessed it in the mall but to all the citizens that concealed carry is extremely important for the safety of everyone. No shots have to be fired, no one has to pull a trigger, simply having it around and visible in the sight of crime saves lives. Overall this story strengthened my standpoint on concealed carry weapons. In an effort to find a position to convey the importance of the concealed carry law, I observed a website with several stories regarding crimes and the connection to carrying concealed weapons. A student was leaving a night class and assumed that it would be safer to park in a parking garage as opposed to the student parking on the other side of campus. As every security office was closed she did what she thought was necessary by surveying inside and around her vehicle before entering. In this process she noticed a man bent over in a corner. That same man grabbed her, held her at gunpoint and raped her. It is interesting that  at this specific university concealed carry is completely banned. Although, she had a concealed carry permit she was forced to leave her weapon at home. This is very important because this could and would have saved her from such trauma. After drafting a letter to the president of her university she was granted permission to carry her concealed weapon on campus with certain precautions but at what extent? It should not have to take someone being brutally raped, kidnapped or anything else for students to be allowed to protect themselves and others at all times. I found this article and video extremely helpful because a lot of times these things arte swept under the rug and not tended to. This may have happened to hundreds and thousands of people without it being brought to light. If a rapist can hold someone up at gun point why can’t that same person protect themselves with a gun? I will be using this in my research paper as a question to the readers of how fair they think this is. Concealed carry is very important and it is imperative that people know many lives can be saved by the passing of one simple law. In order to get a clearer understanding of how everyday civilians feel about the legalization of concealed weapons I chose to interview a fellow peer around the same age range as I am. With this interview I planned to discover what other people’s opinions on concealed weapons were. I hoped to receive opposite points of views to be able to link the research I’ve found to the opinions of my interviewees. Along with their view points on the subject I wanted to find out why they felt that way about the subject and if there was a certain incident or reason that led them to that belief. Certain questions I asked them included, â€Å"do you or any other person you live with own a gun, why or why not?† These questions, if chosen to be answered, will signify how some people feel rather safe with concealed weapons around them in case of an emergency or incident. I gave them the option beforehand to reject their right to answer the question in hopes that no one would be made uncomfortable with the interviewing process. I hoped that through my research, interviews, and surveys I would be able to bring together many facts as to persuade the readers that legalizing concealed weapons is the right thing to do at this time, not only for us as individuals but for the children, our families, and the surrounding communities’ safety. Below is an overview of the interview concluded with a fellow peer and me. Interviewer (I) Person Being Interviewed (P) I: First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to sit with me and speak with me. P: No problem, I’m glad to help any way I can however, I would like to keep my identity anonymous for this interview. I: That is completely understandable and I will be sure to keep your wishes. P: Thanks I: So let’s start with a little about yourself do you live with your parents or alone? Keep in mind at any time if you feel uncomfortable you can pass on any question. P: At this time I live alone just me and my dog *laughs* I: Great, so with that being said have you ever felt scared or nervous about your surroundings or simply living on your own in general? I know from personal experience I found that I get scared fast. P: In the beginning when I first moved in, of course, but after living alone for so long I kind of adapted to it I: I understand it just kind of becomes a part of you. Have you ever thought about or considered the concealed carry laws and how they affected you and everyone else? P: I really haven’t. I mean my parents never felt the need to bring it in our house to my knowledge so I never took it into major consideration, but I would not mind. Being a young female living alone I do sometimes feel rather vulnerable and maybe in someone’s eyes, a target. I: Would you support the cause if a bill was to be passed legalizing concealed weapons? With the passing of this law no matter where you went you would be able to protect yourself and maybe at some time protect others. P: I agree with it to an extent when it’s all done the right way. If classes don’t come with the gun permit then I may not be interested. It seems like they ask people to go out of their way to feel protected when this should be something we feel on a daily. Beyond a background check I don’t think the requirements for getting a gun should be so extensive. I: I’m glad you are so open about the subject. You’re insight and opinions help a great deal. Question, do you think that the more states that apply the concealed carry laws will reduce crime nationwide? P: To an extent I do but people are going to do what they want regardless. I look at it like this if there is a death  penalty intact and life in prison possible and people still do what they want, simply making guns legal to carry around won’t do that much. I: I, myself, have never thought of it in that light and I thank you for bringing that to the discussion. I believe I have all I need. Do you have any questions for me? P: No I don’t but thanks for including me. This interview attributed to my research a great deal for numerous reasons. Simply researching the subject one never truly gets the ideas and opinions of civilians who have not been victims to violent crimes. I plan to use this as a transition or connection between pro- and anti- legalizing concealed carry. Since I was not expecting to get as much out the interview that I did, I have a lot more to go off of for my paper. An everyday civilian’s point of view is very important to my research because often the only insight into this subject comes from people disagreeing or rejecting concealed weapons or someone who did not take the advantage of concealed weapons until after a traumatic incident occurred. For this interview, initially I was hoping to get an opinion from a person that was contradictory to my own beliefs and research but after completing the interview I realized that having someone agree with my point of view was that much more helpful. The person I interviewed preferred to remain anonymous wish I respect. Based on how the interview went and the amount of information I received my surveys will be rather similar. As in the interview I will give the person completing the survey the option of not answering the question so no one feels uncomfortable or refuses to do the survey. My questions will be general to find out how the ideas and opinions reflect the age range, ethnicity, and gender. Since the surveys will be done by SWIC students I expect to get a diverse opinion. Because I set a time limit on the interview I consequently asked less questions and the remainder of the questions I will incorporate on the survey just to get all the information that I desired. Referring to the interview there are many people male and female who may feel targeted by their surrounding communities. Based on the Constitution it is our natural born right to bear arms. In the interview she mentioned that the  fact that she was a young female living alone that she felt it may be necessary to obtain a handgun for safety and protection purposes. This leads me to believe that the majority of the population who agree and support the legalization of concealed weapons do so for the opportunity of self-defense from any criminal activity brought upon them. Although it goes unnoticed it seems as if some of the main people opposing concealed carry is politicians whom in an article I read, Double Standard, believe that in a sense only politicians should have the right to carry handguns. However, where does that leave the rest of the world? According to Patrick Krey, the author of Double Standard, in some states a law has been proposed to grant politicians and legislatures the right to own and carry concealed weapons wherever they please. As this is common with all the citizens, there was one issue. Politicians disliked the proposition because the restrictions for gun carry were too harsh. This made some feel that politicians possibly believed that their lives were more important than anyone else’s. Reporters took the story because it shined light on the reality that maybe the gun carry restrictions were too harsh and should be lightened for everyone as opposed to strictly politicians. Politicians were said to have been abiding by the quote in the book, â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell, â€Å"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.† A number of individuals feel that it is a double standard on the legislature’s part because it is okay for the gun carry restrictions to be strict and harsh for the citizens just not for the politicians. Because taxpayers cannot exclude themselves from any law they please less cases were reported of the number of concealed carry permits done in 2007. As a result of this, in 2007 out of 37 million people only approximately 40,000 citizens were licensed to carry a gun. Essentially, this article suggests that it is unfair and politicians should be able to abide by the same laws that they expect their citizens to without any changes. After reading this article my opinions of the topic began to flourish. Based on the standpoint of the politicians my point is strengthened and even more that valid. Any life is not more important than another. I feel that if concealed carry laws that are in place are lightened that they should be lightened for everyone eligible because politicians are not the only people  who encounter dangerous situations. There are many cases that go unmentioned where a concealed weapon would have been more than useful in the case of self-defense. In all, I feel like you are being elected by your people and if you feel the need to protect yourself then the individuals who placed you in your position should have that same right. You can conclude from the context clues that this was written by someone outraged at the proposed idea. Although it may be biased it is a good point regarding the topic. However, based off the fact that the majority of the article seemed like opinion I would not use this a rticle as a credible source but as an extra opinion supporting my point of view. Because there was very few supporting facts regarding the opinion it made the article seem amateur, in which I feel the article could have been a little more detail oriented. Based on the many articles that I have read, I noticed that there were a number of people that oppose the legalization of concealed carry. However, the individuals who are for it have valid reasons and explanations as to why they do. In one specific article I read, The Accessibility of Guns Protects Lives, a man applied for a concealed weapon but the process was so tedious and drawn out that it took him forever to get a response. Nonetheless, when the country felt vulnerable and scared of the 9-1-1 attack the process began to move along quicker than ever before. In this article the author applies for a concealed carry permit a little before the 9-1-1 incident occurred. While waiting for the process to be complete 9-1-1 happened and including his over 5,000 concealed carry permits were handed out without fees. While carrying his firearm wherever he goes, he not only aims to protect himself and his family but also his fellow citizens who may not be capable of protecting themselves. There are many individuals against the concealed carry permits however, the platform used in those arguments are faulty and unrealistic. In reality, the permit holders have better safety records than the police force. The people who are opposed to concealed carry are simply misguided and misinformed. Overall, being able to access a gun protects lives. This is my favorite article that I have read so far. My opinion on concealed carry laws mostly coincides with the thoughts and ideas with this individual  about how people are simply misinformed. Clearly the individual is pro-legalizing concealed weapons and has a strong foundation on why he believes making gun permits more accessible will furthermore help protect the community as opposed to raising crimes and the number of accidental deaths. The confidence and details that he uses to support his claim are very persuasive and partially credible. I say partially credible because it seems as if the majority of the article is based on mere opinion and reasoning. He vaguely inputs statistics to support his point of view. However, with that being said the points that are being made are valid and do make a lot of sense. This article will be the main article I use defending my point of view. I will incorporate statistics from other articles with the thoughts and reasoning of this article to make a strong foundation and a clear viewpoint and argument. Statistical proof and evidence is, I feel, the most important part of defending why one choose pro- or anti- legalizing concealed weapons along with creating a solid case and foundation of one’s beliefs. In the article, The Untold Triumph of Concealed-Carry Permits, the author David Kopel did a splendid job of using numerical data to support his standpoint in which the article is deemed more credible. Beginning in the 1980’s the states that granted the concealed carry rights typically only allowed police officers, retired police officers and individuals with political affiliations to carry handguns. Throughout the years there have been many discussions as to how concealed carry permits are to be issued and the precautions taken beforehand. Gradually the main focused of this law has been geared and proposed by women. That being said approximately one fourth of the applicants for a gun permit are women. To support the idea of how effective concealed carry laws are there were studies and cases done and put together comparing the homicide rates to the states with concealed carry laws as to those same states when those laws were not intact. It was found that there was not a significant amount of change in rates except in the State of Florida. With this state being assumed to have a 36% chance of homicides an immediate and steady decline began after these laws were put in place. Also in similarity with Florida, California whom has many counties with concealed carry laws a study was also done. It was shown in this study that counties that issue permits liberally had lower violent-crime rates than counties with restrictive policies; restrictive counties had lower rates than counties with prohibitive policies. All in all, people would simply like to have the choice placed in their hands on whether or not they would like to carry a handgun or not. Although included was not the entirety of the things mentioned, the main points were. Individuals who oppose the concealed carry laws may not be aware of the statistics backing the subject. In predominantly every case study each time it seemed to be a decline in crime for states that obtained the concealed carry laws in action. Although each state did not have a dramatic decline in crime at some point each state had some decline. Based on the research I have done and looked into there is no record of a state increasing in crime after placing concealed carry laws intact. This article is a valid and credible source that I will use to back up my opinion with numbers as opposed to just my words. This gave me the idea of asking the participants of my survey how they feel legalizing concealed weapons declines or increases crime. There was a lot of detailed information, statistics, and reasoning as to why the writer felt the need to write this article and making clear that their viewpoint w as pro-legalizing concealed weapons. Everyone has different opinions on this topic. In the beginning I was skeptical of performing surveys and interviews because in some cases people tend to change their viewpoints or mindsets to fit what they think you want to hear. Surprisingly, as I looked through the surveys and compared it to the interview I did I found that overall the majority was rather honest and deep rooted in their thoughts and opinions. As well as the interview, with this survey, I planned to discover what other people’s opinions on concealed weapons are. I would hope to receive opposite points of views to be able to link the research I’ve found to the opinions of my interviewees. Along with their view points on the subject I will also be looking to find out why they felt that way about the subject and if there was a certain incident or  reason that led them to that belief. These questions if chosen to be answered will signify how some people feel rather safe with concealed weapons around them in case of an emergency or incident. I will give them the option beforehand to reject their right to answer the question in hopes that no one will be made uncomfortable with the interviewing process. Hopefully through my research, interviews, and surveys I will be able to bring together many facts as to persuade the readers of my final essay that legalizing concealed weapons is the right thing to do at this time now only for us as individuals but for the children, our families, and the surrounding communities’ safety. In the beginning I asked simple demographic questions to put in perspective the audience that these opinions were coming from. Because gun control is such an important factor in the world, I chose to survey individuals close to or equal to my age. I was able to collect a good amount of diverse data and different opinions on the topic. In order to get a broad spectrum of people I had my instructor distribute the surveys through a couple of her classes. Consequently, I was not able to receive the diversity that I desired but with everyone participating correctly I was able to get some type of variation. First, let’s look at the diversity between males and females within this survey process. From the pie chart above, one would be able to see that there was almost an equal split between males and females. However, females slightly overpowered the males in numbers. There were a total of 13 males which totaled to 41% while the females had 19 which resulted in a 59%. Overall gender wise I received what I was looking fair because I was able to collect almost an equal amount of participants from each gender group. This allows me to get a fair understanding of how the thought process on legalizing concealed weapons differs between the two groups. Another difference I was hoping to recognize is the ethnicity between the two groups and how diverse they were. For the survey I gave the choices of Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, or Other. These categories would cover a majority of the ethnicities present on campus. I assumed my  data would be very diverse, but I was mistaken when I found out that in between the two gender groups there were some ethnicities nonexistent which skewed my data a little. Although I was a bit discouraged I stepped back and took a look at how I did the surveys. Seeing that I only did a portion of my instructor’s classes as opposed to all of them I limited myself to a specific group and age range. In addition to that it could also be because I only did surveys within school grounds. If I was to go outside of school and do extracurricular research I believe my results as far as gender and ethnicity would be more diverse because I would have the option to choose which person I surveyed . As you can see in the above graphs there was a show that there were predominantly more Caucasian male and females in both gender groups while males took 69% and females took 68%. To my surprise there were absolutely no Hispanics and very little African Americans which only appeared in the female portion. Based on this information and how the answers between the genders matched with their ethnicities were presented there was a sort of resemblance between the two. Lastly, one other point I was interested in making notice of was the people who were for and against legalizing concealed weapons. Being pro-legalizing concealed weapons myself and doing the research as to why people felt a specific way about it was one thing that caught my interest. I wanted to see how many people agreed with the way I felt and the reasons why and vice versa. Putting this in my survey got me a number of great responses. I categorized the responses in which a group of the participants were for legalizing concealed weapons because they felt that it was important for one to be able to protect them as it is their natural born right. Others who opposed mentioned that legalizing concealed weapons would only put more guns in the streets and give people more ammunition to commit crimes, in a sense â€Å"adding fuel to the fire.† Below you will see a graph as to how the responses differed from gender and responses. As on can see the results are rather closely related. It is not surprising, however, that the females were the ones to most support the cause. Typically  it is the women who are most targeted in the world and who feel most vulnerable to the events of everyday life. One thing that did surprise me was that there were more females against it which was 8 out of 19. With the males totaling to 4 out of 13 against concealed carry, it is easy to assume each genders viewpoint. Throughout the open ended portion of the question, the majority of females who were for CCW were so because they felt they had the right to protect themselves in the midst of criminal activity. On the opposite register, when it came to being against CCW all the males who said they were against it were so because they felt that more guns would equal more crime no matter how much rules were placed intact. However, take notice that none of the people who were against concealed weapons gave concrete evidence and support as to why they believe what they believed. So the question is why would you be against it if you have no supporting evidence that it brings danger to our communities? In conclusion, after long and tedious research processes one will be able to notice why concealed carry weapons would help our communities. The main reason for legalizing concealed carry is for the protection of each individual and the civilians around them. As one of the main deterrents of crime one will be able to tell that through statistical evidence and many sources that the legalization of concealed weapons has declined the crime rates in the states that have enacted those laws. There is clear evidence from survivor stories to interviews and surveys that show the majority of people believe that concealed carry laws will protect the people and consequently save lives. My viewpoint of the legalization for concealed weapons has greatly increased and I am more for it than before. After weighing out the opinions as to why people do not support it there is no source that is credible enough to give solid numerical or demographical evidence. Think about it. If it meant protecting your family, your friends, and yourself in the face of crime would you like yourself or anyone around you to have the assistance of handguns provided by the concealed carry laws? Legalizing Concealed Weapons Survey Please circle answer (All answers are optional) 1. Gender Male Female 2. Age fewer than 18 18-22 22-30 30+ 3. Ethnicity Caucasian African American Hispanic Asian Other 4. Have you ever heard about the law legalizing concealed weapons? Yes No 5. Do you know anyone victim to a crime that could have possibly been prevented with concealed weapons? Yes No 6. If a forum was being held would you be for or against legalizing concealed weapons, why? 7. What do you think will happen to the crime rates as a result of legalizing concealed weapons (increase, decrease, stay the same and why)? 8. Do you feel that there is enough awareness and information about this subject? Yes No 9. How much do you think this law will affect you 1-10 (1 being none 10 being extremely)? 10. Would you yourself be interested in participating in this law/movement? Yes No Works Cited Huntwork, David M. â€Å"The Accessibility of Guns Protects Lives.† Guns and Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Concealed Carry and the Right of Self-Defense.† 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. Kopel, David. â€Å"The untold triumph of concealed-carry permits.† Policy Review 78 (1996): 9 . Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. Krey, Patrick. â€Å"Double standard.† The New American 18 Apr. 2011: 40. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The aviation industry in the US essayEssay Writing Service

The aviation industry in the US essayEssay Writing Service The aviation industry in the US essay The aviation industry in the US essayAirline industry in the U.S. is a highly competitive and saturated market. This industry has long been unprofitable in the United States due to the following factors: growth of oil prices and price for jet fuel, decline of demand for airline services due to the financial recession in 2007-2008, price pressure created by low-cost carriers, the launch of various sites for comparing airline prices and increasing costs (especially costs of labor) (Hill Jones, 2012). However, when the economy started recovering, the U.S. airline industry eventually became profitable.Airline industry in the U.S. can be divided into four major segments: international carriers, national, regional and cargo (Investopedia, 2014). The factors influencing the airline industry include weather changes, labor costs, fuel prices and routes. Currently the perspectives of the industry are positive since the world economy is on the rise and the economy of the United States is also in the growth stage. In 2012, industry growth rate constituted 5%, and the growth trend is assumed to persist in the future (Hill Jones, 2012). Recent industry trends include the growth of the market share of low-cost airlines, increase of single-aisle flights, evolution of fuel-efficient technologies and the increase in the diversity of routes (Boeing, 2014). One more important tendency in airline industry is the integration of airline companies into unions or growth through mergers and acquisitions.The analysis of airline industry using Porters five forces framework is the following. The threat of new entrants is high due to the availability of credit and low costs of borrowing. While airline companies with an established name can gain more market share due to the reliability of the brand name, new market entrants can compete using low-cost strategy or by diversifying their offer. The power of suppliers is high since the major suppliers are Airbus and Boeing, and they dominate th e market of airline manufacturers (Boeing, 2014).The availability of substitutes is low for national and international market segment, but is higher for local and cargo segments. The power of buyers is medium to low on one hand, customer demand has a direct impact on profitability, and on the other hand, switching airline companies is also a challenge for the customer (Investopedia, 2014). Competitive rivalry in the industry is intensive. In general, the conditions for new entrants are moderate, as new entrants still have to create a brand and to build the infrastructure. In this context, Virgin America has an advantage since it already uses a well-established brand name. Relying on the brand popularity of Virgin is a huge opportunity for Virgin America. Other opportunities for the company are low-cost flights, effective route management and cost optimization. Key challenges for Virgin America are mergers of large airline companies, competitive rivalry, growing oil prices and labor costs and demand fluctuations.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Does the evidence support the claim that the media 'lost' the Vietnam Essay

Does the evidence support the claim that the media 'lost' the Vietnam war for America How has this belief affected way that the - Essay Example Affective media can simultaneously boost the morale of nation as well as of the armed forces during a war and after the war also. Media should display patriotic spirit to project the image of its own country, as it is really essential for overall representation of the state. Vietnam War is also an example from history where American media could not handle the war to project the gains of the forces. One that media did not print the US military effort and sacrifices of the army and on other end, post-war scenario was full of critic, which had very demoralizing affects on troops and also on nation as a whole. Therefore, after passing about 35 years, still there is an ongoing debate on the role of American news media on the outcome of the conflict. Severe objection of the media on the issue of policy failure in war also compelled the decision makers to alter the course of action, ultimately led to confusion and chaos. Media lost the war for America because it was media, which projected t he war in a negative sense. The government was unable to control the media and the media especially the television highlighted such images of American government that deteriorated the image of American army among the masses and the world as a whole. That showed that censorship policies for media should be there in order to safeguard the reputation of a country. Media’s role in Vietnam War was quite predictable as it is said that media’s engagement in disabling America to win the war is prominent. Action of media and certain causes of failure in campaign in the subsequent conflicts shall be elaborated here. This paper analyzes the issue of media involvement in the Vietnam War along with its affects on military efforts in Vietnam. This paper also draws attention to the fact that American media lost the Vietnam War for America. Media and Preliminary Phase of the Conflict It was obvious from the outset that US was assisting Vietnam people in fighting against the communist aggression. Saigon government was in power to take care of American interests. Besides continuous information provided by US officials on activities of the forces in Vietnam, American diplomats wanted Vietnamese press guidance in all matters (Landers 2004). On the outset of hostilities, lack of harmony was found in American media and government. American public and congress were a bit hesitant to raise voice in support of the war waged by US. This also posed a problem in releasing funds for the campaign. Until 1962, lack of interest observed was in the role of media to support war. Non-availability of independent information gathering system and absence of means for real time battlefield picture led to mismanagement. Editorializing for moulding public opinion was almost absent in newspapers. Policies of Kennedy could not seek success due to objective journalism of American media. According to Wyatt (1993), â€Å"The Kennedy administration also took steps of its own to shut the pres s away from this story† (91). However, he was not successful in his efforts because of uncontrollable media and lacking governmental policies. At the same time, American media started portraying two different pictures of Vietnam War. One, way of conduct of war by south Vietnamese was highly being criticized. Other was the optimistic approach of American advisers

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discuss the perceptions of Amerindians in popular culture (literature, Essay

Discuss the perceptions of Amerindians in popular culture (literature, theater, TV, film,etc). with particular attention as to how this perception has changed over time - Essay Example The misconceptions and beliefs that people tend to carry as an integral part of their value system tend to influence a lot as to how the two races and cultures view and interact with eachother. The views and decisions arrived at on the basis of the stereotypical ethnographic perceptions of other cultures and races do give way to, too many misunderstandings and misconceptions. It goes without saying that the Amerindians have been the victims of such trends. To begin with the European-Americans heaped a generalized and collective identity on the Amerindians under the guise of a monolithic term ‘Indian’.2 Realistically speaking, the Amerindians never preferred themselves to be identified under a single umbrella identity. They rather preferred to be known more in terms of their tribes and ethnic beliefs. It was under the influence of such a generalized approach towards the Amerindians that they were more or less portrayed in a negative way by the European-Americans. The remnants of this belief system had a marked influence on the projection of the Amerindians in the future popular culture, be it the literature, cinema, or TV. Almost all the earlier Western Films portrayed the Amerindians as hopeless and stupid savages, who were unhygienic, immoral and illiterate and people who simply cannot be trusted by the Whites.3 Some of the recent films like Dances with Wolves did project the Amerindians as wise and humane. Yet, the iron y is that the perception of the Amerindians in such films is more or less patronizing, inaccurate and to a great extent superficial. However, in recent times, with the augmenting of interest in the Amerindian diversity and way of life, the popular culture perceptions pertaining to the Amerindians have started to get more realistic. The popular interest has started to grow around the Amerindians’ way of life and the beliefs and values of the varied Amerindian tribes. A great deal of this change could be attributed to the educated and