Sunday, December 15, 2019

Roman Empire and Red Figure Style Free Essays

This tool is used to engrave lines through the slip of the unfired vase. burin 18. Red figure style of vase painting was introduced whom? By a student of exekias known as the andokides 19. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Empire and Red Figure Style or any similar topic only for you Order Now Greek vase painting is represented in these two styles. Black figure and red figure style. 20. Who signed the vase â€Å"Achilles and Ajax playing Draught†? Euxitheos and Euphronios. 21 . The mixture of clay and water that is painted on the vase before firing. slip 22. The black figure Style idealized representations, sought to equate the perfection of art with harmonies of natural order. 23. The Greek used what method to cast the bronze figure of Zeus? Lost-wax methods 24. In the 7th C. BCE the Greek artist began to do this to their artwork. naturalism 25. The Greeks are different from the Eygptians in depicting their gods in what way? The ideal athletic human form. 26. Who was the popular god of drama . Dionysus 27. In Greek art the beginnings are represented is what style? Nude pics 28. In the pantheon of Greek god he is consider the leader among gods. Zues 29. Acropolis mean. Highest city 30. Greece’s central city is named and dedicated to what god? Athens and dedicated o Athena. 31 . The Greeks had a love of what? Wisdom and beautification especially of the human body. 32. During the classical period the Greeks began to produce life size figurative sculptures and constructed marble temples. 33. What race commemorates the bravery of a courier during the Perisan invasion. Twenty six mile marathon race 34. After the Persian invasion this leader began to rebuild Greece’s temples. Pericles 35. A geometric style vase is characterized by . several horizontal bands and geometric motifs Dipyplon vases were used tor what purpose? Grave markers 37. The female counterpart of the Kouros figure is the kore 38. The sacred hill above Athens which contains the ancient Athenians’ Temples is . Acropolis 39. Who was the Roman Emperor that converted to Christianity? Constantine the Great 40. What Roman structure had an altar that was dedicated to â€Å"gods yet to be discovered†. Pantheon 41 . â€Å"The Altar of Peace† was built to commemorate what? The Pax Romana (roman preace) 42. The arena floor of the amphitheater was landscaped with trees and large rocks 43. â€Å"The Pont du Gard† is comprised of rows of short barrel, or tunnel vaults and is an xample of these Roman invention such as_basilica ulpia 44. The Column of Trajan† is as tall as what? The height of the hill that stood at this site. 45. The art of the Roman Republic was strongly influenced by both _etruscans and greek art. 46. The word â€Å"amphitheater† means around theater 47. The Arch of Titus commemorates Titius’ conquest of. the victory in the Jewish War . 48. The Flavian Amphith eater was commissioned by the emperor 49. Trajan’s column friezes depict his victory over the _Dacians Vaspasian. 50. The Pantheon’s dome’s weight was lessened by sunken decorative panels Called cotters 51 . How to cite Roman Empire and Red Figure Style, Papers

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